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Eastward I go only by force...Westward I go free.  Thoreau


Housing at a fraction of the cost of other Rocky Mountain resort towns…and better weather, fewer crowds and a more dynamic culture.  Find a beautiful home here, or build your dream home with one of our mountain experts.   Whether your style is a cozy two bedroom with a small yard or a rambling ranch house sitting on acres of property with space for horses, the close-knit valley community is fantastic for families with neighbors that look out for one another and plenty of places to keep kids active.  


The best of many worlds!  No need to panic if you seek city amenities – the opera, theatre, film festivals, live entertainment and galleries are minutes away in a centuries-old cultural and arts community, our music festival is approaching its 30th year.   


Now for something completely different!  Ponder this - no shopping malls but boutique shops, no daily newspapers but you can buy the NY Times, elk outnumber people, no four lane highways, no off ramps with franchised "Generica" clustered around them.   No red lights (we have a couple that blink) and no traffic jams, but we do have bear jams, elk jams and deer jams.  That’s right, if you spot several cars stopped, you can bet there is wildlife to see and there is no horn blowing or cussing. This place isn’t for everyone and we like it that way.  If you are a kindred spirit and share the love of these things…come on up!


GATEWAY MUSEUM -  A Non-Profit Community Force & Voice. Volunteer Staffed. Community, Educational & Visitor Services.  Donations Appreciated.  Thanks for your generosity!

580 E Therma, POB 299, Eagle Nest, NM 87718

505-721-0704 Voice, Text, Email

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