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Eagle Nest.

     Surrounded by millions of acres of State & National Parks, Forests, Monuments, Preserves. Wildlife abounds. Trout-filled streams sing through mighty canyons leading ever upward into the high country. Passage through these canyons - on trails traveled by Indians, conquistadors and trappers is neither fast nor easy – it isn’t supposed to be. You must earn it. Discover a place so compelling that having once seen it, it will be part of you forever.

Wildflowers, Warm Days, Cool Nights, Spectacular Colors!

     Spring, Summer or Fall, you will be drawn as if by magnet to the outdoors…activities in this corner of paradise? Hiking, boating, fishing, golf, hunting, horseback-riding or bird watching to name a few, you won’t want to spend one minute inside! Whether you are an outdoor enthusiast or just passing through, this, The Last Best Place, is sure to steal your heart.     


Snow! Snow! Snow!

     Ah, winter in Eagle Nest! Throw on the goose down or fleece and suit up for skiing, snowmobiling, ice fishing, snow-kiting, snowshoeing, perhaps an adventurous guided winter ascent of one of the spectacular high country peaks. Thousands of elk call this spectacular valley home and winter in vast herds throughout the Moreno Valley. Perhaps Teddy Roosevelt had this bit of heaven in mind when he proclaimed, “The West is where the adjective died of exhaustion!”  

Shadows on the land.

     From prehistoric petroglyphs, to the trail of Coronado’s Expedition, to the gold fields, the area is steeped in history. Ancient cultures - Native, Hispanic and Anglo merge here making this a dynamic place. Mountain peaks, plains, high country lakes, legendary trout streams, history and ancient cultures are at your doorstep. Touchstones of the West – Cimarron, Angel Fire, Taos, Santa Fe, the Rio Grande are at your beck and call. Roam ghost towns, tour abandoned gold mines, marvel at the simple beauty of centuries- old Spanish adobe mission.  


     Everywhere in this land are reminders of ancient cultures – pueblo ruins, pottery shards, Indian place names, haunted hunting grounds of the Pueblo, Apache, Comanche and Utes – dwellers of the turquoise sky. Home to the first Vietnam Veterans Memorial, spirits of ancient warriors stand sentinel honoring their brothers-in-arms. This is sacred ground.

GATEWAY MUSEUM -  A Non-Profit Community Force & Voice. Volunteer Staffed. Community, Educational & Visitor Services.  Donations Appreciated.  Thanks for your generosity!

580 E Therma, POB 299, Eagle Nest, NM 87718

505-721-0704 Voice, Text, Email

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